Manhattan Neighborhood Spotlight: Tribeca

 Tony: Hi, welcome to another one of our neighborhood spotlights. We're in Tribeca, which is an amazing little enclave in the corner of the island downtown, known for its cobblestone streets and its amazing warehouse lofts.

Emily: It's also known for its fabulous restaurants. We have the Odeon, we've got Frechette, Locanda Verde, and many more. This neighborhood; if you're hungry, this is the place to come.

Tony: Definitely. Hudson River Park is nearby.

Emily: Yeah.

Tony: Lot of parks, and what about if you have a dog?

Emily: Oh! Lots of dog parks, I can vouch for that.

Tony: It's a great neighborhood to actually keep busy. It's a neighborhood you can live in and enjoy without having to leave if you don't want to. But how do you get into this neighborhood? Let's talk about pricing a little bit. So, to get in, essentially, let’s start at a one-bedroom price point, anywhere from $1 - 2 million is very doable here, itt just goes up from there. Two-bedroom starting at, say, around $3million. 3 bedroom’s going $4 million and up, and it just goes up from there. But the nice thing about these old loft buildings is they're pretty big floorplates. So three, four, five bedrooms are the norm here.

Emily: If you are looking for, let's say, 2, 3, 4 bedrooms between 2 million up to 10, 15, and keep going, the price point, usually… The price per square foot usually starts around in the twos, the 2000s, twenty-three hundred, twenty-five hundred, and then depending on your taste level, it just keeps going to fit every need.

Tony: Yeah. So it's got a wide range. So can you get into the neighborhood at about one and a half million? Absolutely. Can you shoot for the stars and go through the pinnacle, the Woolworth residences are close to 80? That's another option. So wide range here and a lot of options for anybody coming in.

Emily: If you want to come in and see anything, please give us a call and we'd be happy to show you.

Tony: Thanks.